Learn the Methods which help You receive Joy, Clarity and Success!!

Are You looking for a Direction in Your Life but lacking the clarity to find it?
Our True Calling is the answer that lies closest to our heart. But we often find ourselves lost in the middle of a boundless sea of confusion. Our childhood conditioning, social comparisons, peer pressure, psychological complexes, unconsciously trained compulsive thought patterns – all these keep taking us through the same rut again and again. We feel stuck for Good! To overcome this stagnation you need a process which helps you receive Clarity of Direction. We have a solution for you!

Do you feel like struggling and toiling endlessly without any progress?
When we start to go through the motions in Life Creativity diminishes & Inertia takes over the reigns. When we make too many self-defeating assumptions this is what we do to ourselves – thinking there is no way out, giving in to short-termism, over-defensiveness, excess worrying about self-security, all this constrains us from flowing freely on our path to success. To get out of this whirlwind one needs to step back and re-assess with an un-prejudiced perception. Our methods can help you in that!

Are you running in a Rat-race?
It’s amazing how so many of us are brought up in the same way – try to follow the convention, do what is “Safe”, get “Settled” and become “Secured”. In this process what happens is our natural longings and innate genius gets buried alive – deep within our unconscious somewhere! And in this condition we are forced to keep running from pay-check to pay-check, appraisal-to-appraisal, job-to-job. Nothing seems to give us fulfillment. I have first hand experience of this! I had a profession where the salary was very good & job-offers were in plenty! But I absolutely did not enjoy my days, until, I took some “foolish” decisions which were “Unsafe” and left me “Insecure”! Its time we learnt how to dive in to that unafraid, uncluttered and innocent part of ourselves and let it express fully! This course helps you in this quest!

The Joy , Clarity & Success Course

This course gives you practices through which you can drop your compulsive negative & dis-empowering thoughts & emotions and replace them with Joy, Clarity & Creative Insights which naturally lead to Success and the Dream Life that you so covet! This program is not a one-time-watch. I share with you methods which can be practiced in few minutes. And practicing them will take you to newer levels of performance and results would be a natural consequence of the practice!
Three things that You learn in the Beginning of this course!
Three very important learnings that you receive in this Course are:
- Learning to Distance Yourself from Compulsive Negative Patterns: You have to learn how to transcend the distractions and compulsive negative thought patterns that absorb your energy and attention, keep you distracted. They prevent you from moving in your desired direction of Joy & Success! So You need to learn how to drop them!
- Finding Your True Calling: You need to dive within yourself and find out your true desire, your true calling, your passion, your bliss. Once found out, you can start moving towards that.
- Learning to Trust & Commit Yourself: You have to devote & commit yourselves towards transforming your own life through the ups and downs. Life may not happen in straight lines. Even after you start moving in the right directions blockages and glitches might appear. Alterations may have to be made. You learn to navigate through such phases relentlessly. And mind you this single factor can be the game changer!
We share with you practices, processes, and strategies that empower you to keep moving towards your Dream Life! Watching motivational lectures gives you a high which is real but temporary. It will last for three days and then fizz off. The only way to see visible changes in life is through Sadhana (Sanskrit word for devoted regular practice of specific methods/ processes). We share with you certain practices and nudge you to practice them. Don’t worry they only take a few minutes. But make sure that you commit!
The Joy , Clarity & Success Course

Are you bogged down by peer pressure & lack Inspiration?
Comparison in negative ways can give rise to inferiority complex, jealousy and feelings of powerlessness. Even having a superiority complex makes you arrogant and complaisant. These negativities inturns make vulnerable to making mistakes. Spend more time building your own dreams. Sometimes in between watch and study those whom you admire. This will leave you inspired, uplifted! Comparing your salary with your colleague or cousin will not. Drawing inspiration is an art. And here you learn practices that shift your pattern from peer comparison, inferiority and jealousy to Inspiration and Joy!

Do You struggle with Time Management?
We all have only 24 hours in a day. And multi-tasking can get overwhelming. Often our immediate needs take precedence & we forget about those long term tasks which will eventually give us the edge and the excellence that is needed for our coveted Success! Take this for an example – lets say your financial need binds you to a job that you don’t love doing. Under the sheer heaviness of everyday life you have forgotten that this need not be your fate forever! What do you need to do in such a scenario? All You need is enough passion & willingness to strive beyond your working hours and build the life that you very much want! It can be a different profession, it can be studying for an exam that helps you realize your dream profession, it can be pursuing a new art-form, sports or a new business! It can be anything! But as we said before multi-tasking can be over-whelming! The bigger the challenges you take up the greater the mastery you need of Time Management. We learn the core Time Management skills here and apply them everyday in this course!

Do you feel distracted & discouraged by people around you in such a way that you are not able to Focus?
Joyful & lucid levels of focus is the key ingredient for impact & success. Depending on other peoples’ opinions and indulging in your own compulsive distraction – the two things keep you away from focusing. Other people may not subscribe to Your path of Joy & Success. They may not believe that it is possible because they themselves never have tried such things in their life! When you rely on other peoples’ opinions to feel accepted it can become extremely tough to set your sight on something and focus! This comes from compulsive emotional dependency to feel appreciated. Learn to stand by Your own conviction with humility. Similarly, habits like spending hours daily on social media, procrastinating the whole day away, daily need to hang around with friends – these habits may perpetually prevent you from achieving you true potential! Our practices help you loosen this grip that your own compulsive habits and your surroundings have on you. This paves the way for free thinking and focus so that you can act in the direction that matters to You!

The Joy , Clarity & Success Course

Once you are devoid of distractions focus becomes natural. Once focus is there, Success becomes natural. Then all these “difficult” sounding words like inspiration, time-management, attention, endurance, zeal, motivation, relentlessness, acumen, proactivity and a 100 other things become a natural quality for you. If you go to YouTube you will find ten thousand different words that represent different qualities and skills that you need to acquire to become Successful. It is a futile effort to chase these ten thousand qualities separately. Rather do the few things that works! The rest should be a natural consequence! This is what our course is designed for!
Three more things that we learn from this course:
These three more things are:
- Focus: Once you are focused then what is impossible and unreachable for another person is simple and obvious for you! Your quantum and quality of work both jump exponentially when you are focused! What seems like a chaos for others you see pattern in it! WHat seems like a problem for others you see an opportunity in it! So Focus is absolutely important!
- Inspiration: Focus can only be sustained if there is inspiration. WHat You are doing it should be important for you. IT should be something that really matters to YOU – a positive imact that you want to have on the world. Finding out you true Your competence, your orientation, findind out a way to look at what is needed in the world are key aspects to finding a lasting inspiration. Bet you we cover this part in our course!
- Time-Management: Once inspiration part has been taken care of and FOcus is there then TIme-Managment is just one moore step of refining precisionn and acceleration for maximumutilization of every minute and evevery hour and every day that goes by. TIme is something that is irreversible. Once gone it never comes back. So it is very important that you learn how to make best use of it in the way you want.
WE incorporate each of these words in the form of practices and strategize a way to continually improve upon them. Again as I have said before we have to ensure that we have a continued striving and commitment. Methods and practices are all shared with you in the course. Once you practise and build up momentum through that transformation is just a consequence of it!
The Joy , Clarity & Success Course
Do You want a second chance in Life? A second go at Success?
Blaming others for lost opportunities is a waste of time. If you really want a second chance you have to stop sticking to past complains and move ahead. If you keep looking at the rear view mirror you will forget that there is a road ahead to be travelled on. This is a key to giving yourself a second go at whatever is it that you want. But the past resentments are so intensely engraved in our minds! How do we move on? The same process which helps you withdraw from your compulsive thought patterns help you in this aspect also. Past resentments are nothing but compulsive thought patterns that you have practiced unconsciously. Once you learn how to withdraw from them and focus on what matters to you empowerment is unleashed. Unleash it with our course!

Do You want to crack Your Dream Job Interview?
Cracking Your dream job interview has three phases: 1) Finding out your True Calling & finding out which Organization opens the window for You to explore your Ture Calling, 2) Understanding what are the steps that you need to take to receive that offer letter from your Dream Organization and finally 3) starting out to acquire the skill, competence and sticking to that path. None of these steps will be achieved unless you have dived deep enough to see what you truly want. We have separate focus on this. Once that is done you research on the the roadmap towards it. For that you will need to have an uncluttered approach. Our practices will help you in this. Then comes the most significant part which is committing to the path and staying on it. This course guides you in all of that. You have separate sessions for this in our course and what more – You can opt in for one-on-one session to discuss you r scenario and find a solution!

Are You stressed at Your Job and want a smoother growth path? Or are you stressed out in Your studies and want to assure a great result and a stress-free journey?
For many of you the Job or the Studies that you are in, you may actually like it! It can be your academics, or your competitive exam prep, or a job in sales & marketing, or in research & development or coding or team management – in any domain! The major issues that we face can be difficulty in handling team members or superiors. May be the office politics around you gets you nauseated. May be you have a boss who uses fear-creation as a tool for increasing productivity. Or may be your work schedule is too demanding! It might be you are studying for some competitive exam but you are gripped by worries of not doing too well! or you already are in academics but your performance, study hours, communication with the professors – one or more of these aspects cause stress for you! All these things get in the way of Your progress. De-stressing and being able to focus on the real work at hand is something that is very very important. This course will enable you to do so. Even the option of one-on-one session is there which you can opt for!

The Joy , Clarity & Success Course

Every individual has their own unique situation. Some might be students who are finding it difficult to decide which career path or stream to choose. Some others may be wondering how to prepare for their dream job interview. Yet others are there who are looking to crack a challenging competitive exam with an excellent rank and for that they want to enhance their focus and performance. For some they are already in a domain they like but are finding the outside situations other than the core work stressful. That is preventing them from going full stride towards the path of their progress. For again some others they are stuck in a domain that they clearly don’t like but are bound by immediate necessities to linger on. They might be looking for a second chance – a change of domain or creating their own business! A few may already know what they want to do. They just want to enhance their performance in stress-free and joyful way for a smooth and exponential progress! In our course we deliver sessions considering all these different scenarios as part of the curriculum.
The following aspects are covered separately in a focused in our course:
Complete solutions for individuals in the following scenarios are available in the curriculum:
- Find Your True Calling!
- Start-up Your own Business!
- Get a “second chance” at Success in Career!
- Crack Your dream Job Interview!
- Excel in Competitive Exam!
- Create a career in Arts or Sports!
- Grow in Your Current Domain of Work!
- Make Drastic Progress in Your Current Domain of Academics!
- Navigate through Difficult Office Scenarios!
- Change Your Domain of Work or Study!
- Handle Conflicts and Self-Doubts on your journey effectively!
Once you complete the core sessions of the curriculum two questions that become vital are – 1) How do we apply them in our particular scenario? 2) How to handle the doubts and conflicts that come along in our journey?
These two aspects are application based and are extremely extremely significant. Here we try to address that part in great amount of detail drawing from user enquiries. We make sure that the different doubts, conflicts are directly explored. The multi-various scenarios are approached practically with multiple case studies which enable you to get a panoramic view of the kind of application based approach that you can take to realize your dream life, your coveted Success! All the best in Your Journey towards Joy, Clarity & Success!!
The Joy , Clarity & Success Course

About Me
My name is Susmit Aaditya Mukherjee. I am a person with multiple professional interests who has embarked upon this Success Coaching journey to help fellow youth find their true calling through focus, devotion and distancing from compulsive distractions / compulsions. (If you are alive your are young by the way!). I have had corporate experience of more than 10 years & 6 organizations before I embarked on my entrepreneurial journey. In my decade of corporate tenure I have worked through the ranks starting off as a Trainee right up to the Marketing Head position. This journey includes various companies which includes 3 Listed MNCs where I worked as Deputy Manager/ Territory Manager / Area Manager (Mahindra, Ashok Leyland, Macrotech Developers). My entrepreneurial journey started off in the year 2020 as a Stock market Professional (SEBI Licensed Research Analyst) which I still love & continue to do! Apart that we have spread across to Digital Marketing for certain Industries. Last year I have taken up on Teaching of Finance and Machine Learning (Artificial Intelligence), both of which I have learnt with a lot of love, and still continue to learn, apply and have fun doing so! But MOST IMPORTANTLY I have immersed myself Yogic practices & mediation for the last 16 years which has had the deepest impact in my life. It has changed me as a person and I am grateful for that!

Why I started the Joy, Clarity & Success Course?
Right from a very early age people around us expect us to be “Successful”. But those who expect success seldom guide us to find our true calling, our genius, the avenue or avenues through which we would be able to create a positive impact on the world and inturns naturally receive Success & Joy as a blessing! In this course we try to fulfill that need for You! When you are young we seem to know very naturally what our True Calling is and where our Joy & Bliss comes from. But then gradually our surroundings become dominant upon us. Slowly, we loose track of our True Bliss. We unknowingly start being driven by Peer pressure, jealousy, insecurity and similar negative patterns. We end up just doing just what people around us are doing, forgetting what our true potential is. In this process of loosing ourselves even if we earn good money still we become Miserable and Mediocre. Why do I say so? Let me share with You a bit of my own story. Five years into my corporate tenure I had reached a position where there was a decent salary and living standards. I had Jobs in “Brands” which one could boast about. But I started to realize very intensely that I was not fulfilled with this apparent success. I wasn’t happy in my profession. I had reached a point where my yearly appraisal and package jump on job change had become my primary goals – this was the last thing that I wanted for myself. But I could not get out of it because I did NOT know if I leave my job what should I do! I had forgotten somehow what work can truly give me happiness & Joy! The reason for this was I had started to believe that being in my rather “safe career” was “practical”, “realistic” and “normal”. I had forgotten how to listen to my heart. But I did realize that I had to do something about it! And there on started my quest for “Joy, Clarity & Success”. I strived for Freedom – freedom from the shackles of being “normal” and seeing how far and how deep I could go! And in that process I dug up treasures that I would never have access to, had I not consciously strived to re-establish the lost contact with my true calling! The Journey since then has not been easy – but it has been immensely fulfilling! Lo and behold nit of success has also started to come as I created positive impact on the lives of other human beings in various ways! And I wish to contribute and have a positive impact on the lives of many many more human beings than I am right now including You! I strongly believe all of us, through our Jobs, through our businesses, through our studies, arts or sports or our charitable ventures, can inspire and impact other human beings in an immensely joyful & positive way. And in that way this world can become much more a beautiful beautiful place to live in! All that we need is a way to find our own true Potential! A proper guidance in this direction is rare. I had to strive a lot to find out which methods really work! Through The Joy, Clarity & Success we condense years of research towards how to receive this bounty of Joy, Clarity & Success, and provide a path towards the Vision of a beautiful world that we can help create by finding our own Joy, finding our own true calling, and in turn sharing it’s fruits with everyone else! Now is Good Time Strive to for Your Joy, Clarity & Success!